How to cancel spotify premium app
How to cancel spotify premium app

how to cancel spotify premium app

You can also choose to log in through your Facebook account. Login to the account page using your email and password associated with Spotify.On your Android phone, launch the web browser app and go to "/account".You have to follow some alternative way to cancel your Spotify Premium service on an Android phone or tablet. But it doesn't mean you can't cancel its premium service from Android. Or you may say that it doesn't offer any way to cancel the premium service from the Spotify app itself. Spotify app secretly hides the functionality to cancel its premium subscription service. How to cancel Spotify Premium on an Android device This article will discuss how you can cancel the Spotify Premium service from its website on any web browser or using your Apple ID subscriptions. But remember that you can't cancel its services from Spotify mobile app or desktop application. The steps to cancel Spotify Premium are straightforward, which doesn't take more time. There may be any reason for it, whether you have selected any other service or you will be no longer able to justify the cost. If you are a Spotify premium user, there might be a time when you want to cancel your subscription plan. But its free service doesn't provide many features as compared to premium.

how to cancel spotify premium app

Spotify service is available for both free and premium service.

how to cancel spotify premium app

Spotify is a popular online music streaming app that Android and other users love to listen to music. Next → ← prev How to Cancel Spotify Premium on Android

How to cancel spotify premium app